
Welcome to Spirit Warriors of Christ WONT YOU PLEASE JOIN US in the fight for lost souls!

Dear believer, If you have come to this website we give credit to the Holy Spirit who has led you here. We pray you will benefit, learn, and grow, becoming Warriors, standing up and standing your ground against the evil powers in this dark world. How to embrace the warrior within is something everyone who is a child of God and believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should embrace, so we hope you will take the time to look over or website and we thank you for stopping by. our posts change as needed to inform you of anything happening etc. We would like to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, or are in need of prayer there is a link to ask for prayer.

Hi my name is George and my partner is Laurie we are born again Christians. I am concerned about what is going on in the world today. I believe we will be the last generation before Jesus Christ returns to the earth. Are you ready? Are you a Christian? Have you truly given your life to Christ? I believe we are running out of time very quickly to make a decision.

At Spirit Warriors of Christ we have teamed up to ensure that the word of God gets to as many as possible. Whoever you are and wherever you are please know that the truth is being censored and those of us who are trying to share the truth have to find other avenues or be gagged. Thus I created this site so we can share the truth! Because the mainstream media is calling the truth a lie, while at the same time spreading all sorts of lies to meet their own agenda.

In this world that has been handed over to Satan for a time, it is important to always remember, although there is a battle going on in the world, the real battle is against the unseen.

The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Satan, Satan’s Demons which fell to the earth with Satan and make up one third of the angels, and human beings that are Luciferians, this is their term for themselves, and believe Lucifer to be the hero, in Genesis they believe God to be the antagonist, and Lucifer the protagonist, so they worship him.

So Satan, Humans, and Demons are working together, and the spirit of the Antichrist is at work today (1John 4:13), so do not be deceived by what you hear (1 Peter 5:8), RISE UP AND TAKE YOUR STAND WITH US, IT’S TIME TO PUT ON THE FULL ARMOUR OF GOD (Ephesians 6:10-20), FIND THE WARRIOR INSIDE OF YOU!

At Spirit Warriors of Christ we have been called into service by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our mission is to share the Word of God and all his truth. We pray that you will use your God given will to choose Jesus over the corrupt sinful world. We are watching for our Lord Jesus Christ and are praying you will watch with us and not be left behind to suffer the coming tribulation. Yes the Truth is a hard pill to swallow, but the alternative is much worse. We believe everyone deserves a chance at salvation, come and be filled with the truth of his Word.

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for not knowing the time of His coming even though it was foretold in the scriptures.  Matthew 16:1-3 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Today I believe many people are guilty of the same thing. Jesus gives clear warning of when the end will be yet many are ignoring it!

Do you know who Jesus is? For those who are new to Christianity let me give you some details. Jesus is the son of God who was born to a virgin (Mary) and did not have the sin nature passed by fathers to their children for Mary was impregnated by the Holy Ghost. Therefore Jesus lived a perfect life and fulfilled all the Old Testament laws. Because of what Jesus did we are no longer under old Testament law for salvation. But he gave us several commands in the new testament much the same as the old law.  He gave his life as a sacrifice for all of mankind. If we will believe that he died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and ask god to forgive us for our sins we will be saved. My blog Just for Jesus is about the book of Revelation in scripture. It gives details about the end of the world. This time is known as the Tribulation. I believe that we are very close to that time. When it is over we will all be judged by God to determine if we go to heaven or hell for eternity! I pray you make the right choice, God bless!

I believe we will see the tribulation begin very soon. Time is running out to make a decision. I am talking about a decision that will affect you for eternity. We are the final generation. Are you ready? A person hears and accepts as true the message about Jesus (by reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). They make a decision to become Jesus’ disciple and thus repent of their sins. They are then immersed in water for the forgiveness of their sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The person then continues to live a life of love and faith according to Jesus’ teachings, persevering in that faith until the end of their earthly lives.